This Privacy Policy ("Policy") represent basic principles that the company FORLEX s. r. o., advokátní kancelář, with its registered seat Poděbradova 2738/16, Moravská Ostrava, 702 00 Ostrava, holding the Czech ID no. 042 75 705 ("Company") is bound by upon gathering and processing of personal data. This Policy complies with these general regulations:
This Policy shall apply to all persons visiting the web page of the Company www.forlex.cz (the "Web Page"), regardless whether or not they are they in any contractual relationship with the Company (the "Data Subjects").
By using the Web Page of the Company, you acknowledge this Policy and expressly grant consent with its application.
Personal Data means in accordance with the GDPR any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (not legal entity). Essentially it means any information that - whether independently or collectively with other information – can serve to identify a certain natural person (the "Personal Data").
The Company processes the following Personal Data:
The Company processes the Personal Data for the purpose of sending newsletters with information to its clients.
Beyond the aforementioned the Company is authorized to send the Data Subjects business communications in accordance with the Act on Certain Information Society Services, i.e. if the Company gains the details of the Data Subject's electronic contact for the electronic mail in connection with provision of services.
The Company retains the Personal Data for a time necessary to provide services, minimum being 5 years after the last provision of such services to the specific Data Subject, unless a generally binding regulation requires longer period.
The Company, as a controller of the Personal Data, hereby provides the Data Subjects with its contact details in compliance with the Article 14(1)(a) of the GDPR:
FORLEX s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
Poděbradova 2738/16
702 00 Ostrava
ID No.: 042 75 705
registered in Commercial Register maintained by Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Insert 63028
For purposes of communication with the Company concerning this Policy, the Data Subject may use e-mail address info@forlex.cz or phone number +420 110 300.
The Data Subjects have the following rights:
Legal services in CZ, SK and abroad
+420 596 110 300
FORLEX s.r.o., attorneys-at-law
28. října 3159/29, 702 00 Ostrava
FORLEX s.r.o., attorneys-at-law
Jana Babáka 2733/11, Královo Pole, 612 00 Brno
Billing information
IČO: 04275705, DIČ: CZ 04275705
Account No. CZK – 321695472/0300
Account No. EUR – 333568649/0300
Registred in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, File 63028.
Consumer protection information
On 5 February 2016, the Czech Bar Association was authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic to deal with alternative consumer dispute resolutions in the field of disputes between a lawyer and a consumer arising from legal service agreements (under Act no. 634/1992 Sb., on consumer protection, as amended). The website of the designated body is www.cak.cz.