Our Services


Real Estate is considered to be the safest investment in the world

They are scarce goods. We will help you succeed in your investments in real estate.



  • Preparation and revision of contractual documentation
  • Financing of real estate transactions incl. security
  • Legal support for the planning, construction and use of buildings
  • Facility management of offices, production plants, administrative buildings, housing block and shopping centres
  • Preparation of contractual documentation according to FIDIC
  • Legal counselling in specific administrative procedures (zoning, project design, processing of administrative authorities’ opinions, zoning and building proceedings, subsequent approvals of buildings)
  • Representation in relation to land register and building authorities


  • Development of housing / commercial / office projects
  • Legal due diligence
  • Industrial parks and development of industrial constructions incl. complex technology projects
  • Infrastructure-related projects and transactions, PPP projects

Get to know us

Our team


Legal services in CZ, SK and abroad


FORLEX s.r.o., attorneys-at-law

+420 596 110 300


FORLEX s.r.o., attorneys-at-law
28. října 3159/29, 702 00 Ostrava


FORLEX s.r.o., attorneys-at-law
Jana Babáka 2733/11, Královo Pole, 612 00 Brno

Billing information

IČO: 04275705, DIČ: CZ 04275705
Account No. CZK – 321695472/0300
Account No. EUR – 333568649/0300

Registred in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, File 63028.

Consumer protection information

On 5 February 2016, the Czech Bar Association was authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic to deal with alternative consumer dispute resolutions in the field of disputes between a lawyer and a consumer arising from legal service agreements (under Act no. 634/1992 Sb., on consumer protection, as amended). The website of the designated body is www.cak.cz.