Aleš Klech is the founding partner of the law firm FORLEX who is practising law for more than twenty years. He specializes in real estate law, arbitration and litigation in commercial and civil matters, insolvency and the area of acquisitions and sales of companies. While practising law, he also provides comprehensive counselling in the areas of labour law, corporate law and international trade law.
In the area of real estate law Aleš Klech represented Czech and foreign clients in dispositions with real property and its lease. In the area of litigation and arbitration Aleš Klech represented Czech and foreign clients, both in the position of plaintiffs and defendants. Besides that, he represents clients in labour law disputes. In the insolvency proceedings Aleš Klech in recent years participated in a number of major cases, ranging from the representation of creditors in insolvency proceedings to representing clients in defending against frivolous insolvency proposals. In the area of acquisitions and divestitures Aleš Klech participated in numerous transactions on both the buy and the sell side, particularly in manufacturing, food processing, automotive, trade and services.
Before establishing FORLEX, Aleš Klech was practising for more than 8 years in the law firm Havel, Holásek & Partners as a cooperative attorney-at law. Before joining Havel, Holásek & Partners, Aleš Klech worked for more than 7 years in law firms in Opava and Ostrava and also worked as a corporate lawyer at Lanex a.s., one of the leading Czech companies operating in the field of technical textiles.
Czech, English
Ivan Barabáš is the founding partner of FORLEX with almost twenty-year experience with providing legal services to clients including leading international and Czech corporations, investors and private businesspersons...
Aleš Klech is the founding partner of the law firm FORLEX who is practising law almost twenty years. He specializes in real estate law, arbitration and litigation in commercial and civil matters, insolvency and the area of acquisitions and sales of companies...
Pavel Říha is the founding partner of FORLEX with almost twenty years of practise in the field. He specializes in corporate law, acquisitions, divestitures and transformation of companies and insolvency and restructuring...
Lenka Němcová is the partner of FORLEX. She specialises in real estate and construction law, public law, general commercial law and corporate law. Lenka Němcová provides also advises in the field of acquisitions and divestitures...
Eva Ostruszka Klusová is a partner at FORLEX with more than ten years of practice in providing legal services. She specialises in labour law, healthcare and pharmaceutical law. She deals with commercial and corporate law.
Lukáš Marek is an attorney at FORLEX. He specializes primarily in providing legal support for business corporations and M&A transactions. Lukáš Marek also provides counselling in contractual law and business relations...
Robert Sikora is an associate at FORLEX. He focuses primarily on corporate law, mergers & acquisitions, and the law of obligations.
Attorney-at-law, registered mediator
Martin Šlampa is an attorney specialising in litigation and a registered mediator. He represents clients in a wide range of commercial disputes as well as in administrative proceedings and proceedings before administrative courts.
Senior Associate
Dominik Šolc is an associate at FORLEX. He specializes mostly in corporate law, mergers & acquisitions and pharmaceutical law...
Adam Tietz is an attorney-at-law permanently cooperating with FORLEX. He focuses primarily on advising on real estate and construction law, administrative law, health law and e-commerce. In addition to the above, Adam Tietz is also interested in the ever-evolving law related to esports.
Kamila Ulrichová is an attorney at FORLEX. She focuses primarily on real estate law, administrative law, personal data protection and labour law.
Simona Zahradníčková is a senior associate at FORLEX. She specialises in labour law, corporate law, mergers & acquisitions. She also provides services to French speaking clients.
Jakub Dostál is an associate at FORLEX. He focuses primarily on corporate law, energy law and the law of obligations.
Štěpánka Hawerlandová is an associate at FORLEX. She focuses primarily on contractual relations and general contract law, real estate law, IP/IT rights, employment law and family law.
Vojtěch Hofírek is an associate at FORLEX. Before joining our legal team, he had already been working as a student legal intern for more than a year.
Tomáš Kubíček is an associate at FORLEX. He focuses primarily on litigation, contract law and corporate law.
Kateřina Kupcová is an associate at FORLEX. She focuses primarily on labour law, general contract law, real estate law and administrative law.
Jiří Večerka is an associate at FORLEX. He focuses primarily on litigation, contract law and corporate law.